quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013

Blusa melodia Xadrez!

Meninas Olhem que Linda esta Blusa com Fio Melodia Xadrez Circulo com Linha Cléa 5. Mais uma Vez a Circulo Arrasou!!!! Fio Melodia no Armarinho São José esta R$9,39 http://www.armarinhosaojose.com.br/fio-melodia-xadrez-circulo---25-metros---50mm----1-unidade/16055/94/38185/

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1 comentários:

Unknown disse...

I like the tutorials, or videos teaching such great art and crafts. I had been searching for an online store where I can buy the circulo threads, and hope to be able to get them through this store cause I live in USA, and don't know if you ship here. But I will try. Thank you. Silvia.😃😃